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Drop-in Frame Graphic Prints

Testrite manufactures 10+ Drop In Frames, also known as slide in frames or slip in frames. What’s common about these frames is that they accept a graphic slid in from either the top or the side. The ideal graphic media does vary depending on the frame being purchased and the graphic size. Below is a summary of the graphic media options. This is not an exhaustive list of what Testrite can offer, merely a summary of the options, ordered from thinnest/most economical up to the most premium.

Keep in mind when selecting your graphic media both the max thickness (ID) the frame can accept as well as the graphic size. As an example, buying an 18 point card stock graphic for a frame that accepts 3/16” media means you’ll have a ~.018” thick graphic in a ~0.2” channel, so the graphic won’t “fill” the frame channel taking up ~10% of the space available. Ultimately you know your application best. If you would like to talk through the tradeoffs between different graphic medias, whether you’ll be buying graphics or printing them yourself, reach out to Testrite as we’re here to help! 
We are pleased to offer direct to substrate UV printing, meaning we print right onto the media, providing a higher quality finished product than a local signshop who will likely print onto a roll and then laminate onto a board. Our process is more efficient, and eliminates the risk of delamination. 

Paper Prints – Printing on paper is ideal for small drop-in frames as well as those where the frame includes a backer like our Paper SignBacks, or where you purchase a backer, like an 8-1/2”  x 11” Perfex Frame with a Coroplast Backer. Paper is the most economical graphic media. The downside of paper is it can curl and isn’t durable. Paper is not appropriate for use in larger drop in frames.
Card Stock – Card Stock is available in a variety of thicknesses. Card Stock offers a great balance of economy with rigidity. Our 18 Pt Cardstock is popular for use in small to medium size drop in frames. Card Stock can be used with or without a backer in the frame. Keep in mind for 3/16” or larger frame IDs, card stock graphics will take up a small share of the frame ID, so your graphic may have a slight lean forwards or backwards. We do see our 22” x 28” Poster Stands  in airports and other public places with 18 Pt Cardstock, in part because the value can’t be beat!

Coroplast – Coroplast is corrugated plastic, and has visible corrugating on the inside of the media that is visible on the surface (even with so called SuperSmooth Coroplast). This is an inexpensive graphic media. Coroplast graphics offer great economy and some durability, though the look isn’t high end so may not be appropriate for every customer. Coroplast is a popular graphic media for outdoor use, including with our Outdoor A Frame SignHolder.

Foam Board – Foam Board is most commonly sold at 3/16” thick. This material features a lightweight and compressible core with paper faces on the front and back. This is an inexpensive graphic media that does a great job of filling up a 3/16” ID Graphic frame. The paper faces help the graphics really pop. The biggest downside of Foam Board is durability. Graphics shipped in frames are relatively protected in transit. However, Foam Board if handled can be easily compressed (especially in the corners) and because the faces are paper, it can be damaged from moisture. Foam Board is commonly used for prints expected to be used for a short period of time, including for events, although there are customers who successfully use Foam Board for long term graphic placements.

Expanded PVC – Known by trade names including Sintra® and Komatex®, this is a PVC substrate into which a foaming agent creates an air filled plastic media of a specified thickness, reducing material usage and providing lighter weight than solid plsatic. Available most commonly in 3MM and 6MM, this graphic media offers a range of benefits. The one piece construction makes the material relatively economical (though more premium than Coroplast and Foam Board) as well as durable. There is no separate face material to delaminate or become damaged. EPVC takes printing extremely well. This is a plastic material and so can be expected to last for years in many applications. Expanded PVC is ideal for long term graphic placements. There are a wide variety of material densities which can vary across brands and between lines within a brand. There are “light EPVCs” sold under brands including Sintra Vers ®, PALLight®, and Digilite ® that feature lower densities. While these can be ideal for keeping cost down on small graphics (e.g. 8-1/2” W x 11” H), they may not be ideal for larger frames (e.g. 84” W x 48” H) or ceiling hung frames where their lower density may mean the graphic moves around more. 3MM EPVC can be ideal for frames with 3/16” ID, and in many cases can be used with ¼” ID frames. 6MM EPVC is twice the thickness and offers a BIG step up in rigidity, and is the ideal graphic media for ¼” ID Frames. Both 3MM and 6MM EPVC can be double sided printed. Expanded PVC can be used indoors and outdoors. We once left some printed boards on our driveway during winter in New Jersey and drove over it every day for 8 weeks. We were shocked at how durable it was. If it can handle that, surviving retail should be a cake walk. 

Falconboard® – Made from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified sources, Falconboard® is a rigid graphic media made with paper faces and a corrugated core. The core of Falconboard® is more complex than your average cardboard, providing tremendous rigidity. Falconboard® is ideal for the eco conscious customer looking for a rigid graphic that will look great, fill the frame, and minimize their environmental impact. The corrugated core of Falconboard® can be hidden in a drop-in frame. Falconboard® is available in White/White/White and White/Craft/White, with the middle word representing the color of the corrugated core. The White/White/White has a more consistent face for printing, so we recommend it for most applications. Falconboard is available in 3/16” and ¼” thicknesses. If you use Falconboard® without a frame, like with our Mightee Mount or Double LL Mount, you will see the corrugated material on the sides.

There are an even wider range of graphic medias that can be used with our drop in frames, including Acrylic, Aluminum Composite, Ultraboard® and others, though those are less commonly used with drop-in frames due to their pricing.